Sunrise in Soweto
24 years from the assassination of a people
The sun rises to a new day in this part of the world.
Shadow of killing and forbidden life.
Faces remain obscure, in their majority dark.
Reddish sap of dense flow, dense stories.
Bright eyes that shine early in the morning.
Soft wooden hands, good wood, tender wood.
Body of the one body, social entrails of the world.
Dark land/dark sky/dark belly/dark history.
Dead land/dead sky/dead children/live history.
Fight crossing life and death, dreams without chronicles.
Murky waters of the shipwreck of confused powers.
Violence for non-violence, inspiration of tomorrow.
Morning in Soweto and a new hope, hundred hopes, thousand hopes…
Morning in Soweto and my feet on it’s land, one more hope.
Soweto, december 2000.
Traducción: Jami Edelis
Soweto, december 2000.
Traducción: Jami Edelis
Very Good!!!!